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Tiger Primary School


Citizenship Curriculum – Starting soon

At Tiger Primary School, Citizenship will be delivered with the intention that it enhances and enriches all other subjects taught across our curriculum, thus allowing our children to develop and move on to secondary school as truly accomplished, confident citizens of the world.

There are many ways in which our children are supported to live out these values through the ethos of the classroom, relationships and the content of the school’s curriculum. We ensure many cultural capital opportunities are woven into the school timetable to allow Citizenship to impact meaningfully on children’s learning and development, including school council meetings, assemblies, educational trips, visitors, events such as Careers Week and most importantly through the culture and ethos that the school creates.

As a local community and as a nation, it is our responsibility to help our children connect to the British values. Through Citizenship, we will provide lessons, events and resources to show them how they are invested in these values. We will explore how to make choices and celebrate diversity, similarities and differences, resulting in a sense of belonging for all.

tiger citizenship.pdf


Tiger Primary School is part of Future Schools Trust.

Future Schools Trust Registered Office: Hubbards Lane, Linton, Maidstone, Kent, ME17 4HX. Future Schools Trust: Registered in England, No. 06272751 a company limited by guarantee.