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Tiger Primary School

MISS RAPER - Family Liaison Officer

My name is Rebecca Raper. My role within the school is to provide all parents, carers and families with a positive link between home/school and easy to access advice and support services. At Tiger, we strongly believe that if we all work together the children become the best version of themselves possible.

Tiger Primary believe it is essential that a strong partnership exists between the school and the home environment and I am here to listen and support you non-judgementally, by offering confidential support and advice, where needed.  I am usually available on the gate before school or can be contacted via the office.

I am here to listen to whatever you wish to discuss and talk it through with you in order to find a way forward. This may cover school-based queries and beyond.  I am also here if you need to be sign-posted to outside organisations e.g. health, social services, bereavement services, young carer services, women's services etc. 

All matters discussed between families and myself will be in confidence, however, if I feel there is a cause for concern, I will need to discuss the issue with senior staff members to find the best way forward to support the family.

As Tiger Primary's Family Liaison Officer I will provide a friendly listening ear and an informal opportunity to give you support and advice should you ever need it. Please feel free to contact me for a chat and coffee if you have any worries or concerns at all.


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Tiger Primary School is part of Future Schools Trust.

Future Schools Trust Registered Office: Hubbards Lane, Linton, Maidstone, Kent, ME17 4HX. Future Schools Trust: Registered in England, No. 06272751 a company limited by guarantee.